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get a travel-tip about driving


To avoid traffic, you  may want to plan your trip around the "Events Schedule."  Pet Friendly Lodging accommodations are available on most every corner.  It's a good idea to call prior to your stay regarding pet policies.

TRAVEL TIP # 1 - PREPARE FOR TRAFFIC - There's lots of action in the Great Smoky Mountains most all the time!  From car shows, special events, and holiday parades, you can expect a big turnout for most everything coming and going!  This means traffic delays and long periods of waiting.  It may be a good idea to pack bottled water and snacks just in case you end up getting stuck longer than expected.

TRAVEL TIP #2 - BUCKLE YOUR SEAT BELT - It's mandatory!  And it's a good idea!  As I always say, "better safe than sorry!"  It is required by law that all passengers wear a seat belt!  Children from infancy to 12 years old must be strapped in a child safety seat, and ride in the back seat.  Strap pets in pet seat belts , or carrier while traveling.

TRAVEL TIP #3 - BRINGING YOUR FURRY FRIEND ALONG - Bring your pet on vacation can be lots of fun, but there's some guidelines you must follow!  Be sure your pet has had all vaccinations, and carry proof of these.   Make sure your pet has a micro-chip, or tag with complete information including your pet's name, your name, address, and phone number.  Add a travel tag to your pet's collar with information on where you're staying so if your pet becomes lost, it can be returned to you.  Pack plenty of food and water for your pet, and make sure treats are available during the trip. Schedule stops for yourself and for your pet so you can stretch your legs and take necessary breaks.

TRAVEL TIP #4 - CELL PHONES - Cell phones are great as long as they are used correctly.  It's best not to use a cell phone while driving.  However, talking while driving is allowed - unless of course you are driving with a learner's permit.  Texting while driving is against the law in several states including the state of Tennessee.  Most theaters ask that cell phones be turned off during performances so others will not be disturbed during the show.  Cell phone signals are strong in Sevierville, Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, and the Townsend area.   But it's tough to get a clear signal up in the mountains.  It's not impossible tho!   I received, and sent text messages at the top of Clingman's Dome!  NO KIDDING!!

TRAVEL TIP #5 - SMOKING - The Tennessee Non-Smokers Protection Act prohibits smoking in all enclosed public places in the state of Tennessee.  If you feel the need to smoke, there are designated smoking areas available in most places, including malls, hotels, restaurants, etc...however, these are usually located outside, or in an open areas. 

Now that you're all "tipped-up" it's time to begin your Smoky Mountain vacation!   Drive safely and obey all traffic rules.  Take your time!  Don't drink and drive!  And most of all, take any and all precautions, and arrive safely!!   Ya'll come....we'll be a-lookin' fer ya, and we'll see ya when ya git here!






At Smoky Mountain Heartsong our desire is to help you plan the perfect vacation and feel the presence of God as you experience His awesome creation!!  We'll show you exciting places, share ideas, and offer helpful tips so that you'll be in-the-know  about everything that happens here!  

Come To Me, All Ye That Labour And Are Heavy Laden, And I Will Give You Rest. - Matthew 11:28