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The Chuck Wagon Cook-Off ikicks off Spring early in the mountains with lots of food, music, and fun! It happens at Clabough's Campgrounds in Pigeon Forge. This year's competition is the weekend of April 4-5. It's where your sure to find plenty of western action! This popular event brings out cowboys and cowgirls of all ages! It's an opportunity to enjoy friendly competition with simple added ingredients as this festival plays host to some of the best cowboy cookin' this side of the Smoky Mountains! |
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SINGING COWBOYS TAKE THE STAGE WITH POPULAR TUNES, BOTH NEW AND OLD, FROM THE OLD WEST AT THE CHUCK WAGON COOK-OFF FESTIVAL IN PIGEON FORGE!If you're into great food, you'll have a blast here! The Chuck Wagon Cook-off lets you watch cooks in action and enjoy interacting with them as you learn about the old American West. This festival brings back memories of old customs like feeding hungry cowboys with food prepared over a blazing fire from the Chuck wagon on the open prairie during the cattle drive. Chuck Wagon EventsBUCKAROO ROUND-UP ACTIVITIES is all about entertaining the "cowboy/cowgirl "young guns!" There's plenty of exciting things to do for children. They are introduced to lots to see, things to learn, and challenges to be had, like cattle roping. The heads of bulls have been placed on a bale of straw. Cattle rope is given to each child. Of course there is an instructor to show them how it's done. Then the children are given the opportunity to showcase their talent as they attempt to ring their rope around the head of the cattle. BUYING "COWBOY STYLE" is about finding great shopping deals on western stuff! There are lots of items to choose from! Booths are sitting all round the Chuck-Wagon Cookoff Festival with just about everything the cowboy/cowgirl on your gift list could want! If your into hats, boots, and cowboy attire, some of the finest are sold here. There are quilts, home decor, jewelry, and just about anything else you need to be "stylin'' western style! MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT fills the air with popular cowboy tunes seasoned with a little bluegrass and gospel. These cowboys really know their "stuff" when it comes to singing western-style!. The audience enjoys many classic western-style tunes, and some of the best guitar pickin' and keyboard playin' this side of the Smokies by special guests. CHUCK WAGON LUNCHEON is the most popular event of the day! After a fun-filled morning, it's the moment everyone has been waiting for....The Chuck Wagon Cowboy luncheon. At 12 noon folks line up for a delicious meal prepared by a cowboy and served straight from the Chuck Wagon! Tickets for the luncheon are purchased on-line before the festival. They are also sold on-site. However, I recommend you're getting your tickets ahead of time! This assures you the opportunity to enjoy the luncheon. Chuck wagon cook-offs are held to preserve the memory of cattle drives and mobile kitchens. The competitions for this particular festival includes cash prizes for most authentic wagon and awards in several different food categories, including meat, potatoes, bread, beans and dessert. All food items are prepared onsite with ingredients provided to the cooking teams. |
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Come To Me, All Ye That Labour And Are Heavy Laden, And I Will Give You Rest. - Matthew 11:28 |