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What does it really mean to seek Christian faith? We hear Christians talk constantly about the love of Christ. They claim to have a personal relationship with Him. Can we really know God personally? How do we come to know Him? What is involved in seeking a relationship with Christ? seeking christian faithThe Holy Bible is the Holy word of God. This book teaches about love, and how we are to love each other as God loves us. Jesus, the son of God was sent to earth from Heaven. He lived here 33 years, preaching and teaching the truth of God's love. Many went seeking christian faith and followed him, while others turned away. Jesus came at a time when people were living under the law of the land. Because the rule of man was impossible to follow, God sent his only son to make a way for us to know him as our Lord, and choose him as Savior. His desire is to have a personal relationship with you and me! There is only one way to know God! It's though his son, Jesus! In John 14, Jesus explains to Thomas about coming to know Christ personally. (Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 KJV)
If you have questions, or need further information, K-Love Christian Advice offers life and faith resources to help you grow in your christian faith! Now that you've found YOUR personal Heartsong, I'm sure you have a "quote" of your own! Tell me about it! I can't wait to hear your testimony, and learn how God is creating beautiful "life" verses upon your heart! Those that make up your own lovely Heartsong!
Come To Me, All Ye That Labour And Are Heavy Laden, And I Will Give You Rest. - Matthew 11:28 |