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cades cove bus tour

You'll enjoy beautiful Smoky Mountain streams along the way like this Cades Cove Bus Tour Creek.
During The Cades Cove Bus Tour you'll be surrounded by lovely mountain views.
Enjoy wonderful sites as you travel down the Cades Cove Bus Tour road.

A Cades Cove Bus Tour is an excellent way to experience a day in the Smokies!  This four-to-five hour guided tour takes you to one of the area's most popular destinations!  It's where the Smoky Mountain Black Bear is most prominent!  As a matter of fact, the bear is sighted here more than any other place in the park.  Other wildlife viewing opportunities are available as well.  Enjoy seeing historical landmarks and hearing about the history behind them.  There's lots of photo opportunities on this tour after leaving the starting point, so be sure to have your camera!

The Cades Cove Bus Tour begins at the Shops of Pigeon Forge.  It continues through Wears Valley and Townsend where you'll enjoy amazing sites and hear the history behind  these mountains and it's surrounding areas.  The guides are local so they know precisely what they're talking about.  If you have any questions while touring, you are encouraged to asked.  As you move through the Cades Cove area there is the possibility of seeing beautiful wildlife creatures including deer, squirrels, ground hogs, skunks, raccoons, turkeys, and maybe even a coyote!  Cades Cove was once a thriving community filled with people who worked and played here.  As you move with the tour, a video commentary about who they are and what they did will be played.  Learn more about the Cherokee Indians who hunted this land. Find out who settled here in 1818 and how much the population had grown in just 12 years. Travel around the famous loop filled with scenic landscape.  See barns, a working grist mill, log houses and more.

Taking the Cades Cove Bus Tour is an awesome way to see this beautiful valley without the frustration of fighting traffic and trying to find your way through the mountains.  It's an excellent opportunity to just take a seat, relax, and let the professionals handle everything!  To find more information about this exciting tour or to get your tickets at a DISCOUNT - CLICK HERE!

This Cades Cove Bus Tour Deer is waiting for you to come see him!
This little "show-off" Cades Cove Bus Tour bear enjoys playtime.
You'll see wild animals like this Cades Cove Bus Tour turkey.

cades cove bus tour information

  • The Cades Cove Bus Tour begins in Pigeon Forge at the Shops of Pigeon Forge.
  • Everyone on tour receives bottled water
  • Tour Guides are local Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg Natives
  • Stops are made at most popular buildings if parking is available
  • Exploring and taking photos inside historical buildings are permitted.
There is lots of history behind this Cades Cove Bus Tour Grist Mill.
Enjoy historical sites like this Cades Cove Bus Tour house.
This Cades Cove Bus Tour Landmark is a popular site.






At Smoky Mountain Heartsong our desire is to help you plan the perfect vacation and feel the presence of God as you experience His awesome creation!!  We'll show you exciting places, share ideas, and offer helpful tips so that you'll be in-the-know  about everything that happens here!  

Come To Me, All Ye That Labour And Are Heavy Laden, And I Will Give You Rest. - Matthew 11:28